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Past News Items (2004 - 2008)

Research Themes (c.2000 - 2006)

Academic Program
  • Professional Masters Degree, Environmental Monitoring [Info pdf]
  • MS and PhD, Environmental Monitoring [Info pdf]
Dissertations (PhDs) from former Monitoring Program
  • Rooney, Daniel J. (2006). Evaluation of Advanced Miniature Penetrometers for Soil Property Assessment. [abstract] <!--[<a href="research/dissertations.php?Name=rooney">abstract</a>]--></li> <li><strong>Podger</strong>, Nancy E. (<strong>2004</strong>). Classification, change-detection and accuracy assessment: Toward fuller automation. [<a href="research/dissertations.php?Name=podger">abstract</a>]</li> <li><strong>Ahl</strong>, Douglas E. (<strong>2002</strong>). Aggregation effects of remotely sensed vegetation parameters on models of net primary productivity in Northern Wisconsin. [<a href="research/dissertations.php?Name=ahl">abstract</a>]</li> <li><strong>Cardille</strong>, Jeff A. (<strong>2002</strong>). Characterizing patterns of agricultural land use in Amazonia by merging satellite imagery and census data. [<a href="research/dissertations.php?Name=cardille">abstract</a>]</li> <li><strong>Wood</strong>, Eric C. (<strong>2002</strong>). Modeling and characterizing agricultural expansion: a case study in Senegal, West Africa. [<a href="research/dissertations.php?Name=wood">abstract</a>]</li> <li><strong>Chipman</strong>, Jonathan W. (<strong>2001</strong>). Topographic mapping of forested areas in the western Great Lakes region using spaceborne synthetic aperture radar interferometry. [<a href="research/dissertations.php?Name=chipman">abstract</a>]</li> <li><strong>McCormick</strong>, Ronald J. (<strong>2001</strong>). Meso-scale wildfire modeling using artificial neural networks. [<a href="research/dissertations.php?Name=mccormick">abstract</a>]</li> <li><strong>Pope</strong>, Paul A. (<strong>2001</strong>). Development of a method to geographically register airborne scanner imagery through parametric modeling with image-to-image matching. [<a href="research/dissertations.php?Name=pope">abstract</a>]</li> <li><strong>Divakarla</strong>, Murty G. (<strong>1997</strong>). Estimating spatially distributed surface fluxes from satellite data, in-situ measurements and the Cupid Model.</li> <li><strong>Mohamed</strong>, Mohamed A. (<strong>1997</strong>). Use of spatial information technologies to delineate and model indigenous tenure concepts. </li> <li><strong>Wynne</strong>, Randolph H. (<strong>1995</strong>). Satellite monitoring of lake ice breakup on the Laurentian Shield as a robust climate indicator. </li> <li><strong>Bolstad</strong>, Paul V. (<strong>1990</strong>). The integration of remote sensing, geographic information system, and expert system technologies for landcover classification. </li> <li><strong>Best</strong>, Robert G. (<strong>1988</strong>). Use of satellite data for monitoring parameters related to the food habits and physical condition of Canada geese in Wisconsin during spring migration.</li> <li><strong>Buchheim</strong>, Martin P. (<strong>1988</strong>). Non-traditional approaches to classification of high resolution satellite imagery in a microcomputer environment.</li> <li><strong>Lathrop</strong>, Richard G. (<strong>1988</strong>). The integration of remote sensing and geographic information systems for Great Lakes water quality monitoring.</li> <li><strong>Maclean</strong>, Gordon A. (<strong>1988</strong>). Estimation of foliar and wood biomass using an airborne Lidar system. </li> <li><strong>Wessman</strong>, Carol A. (<strong>1987</strong>). Estimating key forest ecosystem parameters through remote sensing.</li> <li><strong>Ahearn</strong>, Sean C. (<strong>1986</strong>). Toward an expert system for the analysis of high resolution satellite imagery. </li> <li><strong>Morris-Jones</strong>, Donald R. (<strong>1985</strong>). Application of remote sensing and computer geographic information technology to estimating soil erosion potential. </li> <li><strong>Bagheri</strong>, Sima (<strong>1984</strong>). Utilization and application of Landsat CCTs (Computer Compatible Tapes) in the detection of lineaments in the South central Alborz Mountains in Northern Iran. </li> <li><strong>Lo</strong>, Hoi C. (<strong>1984</strong>). Multitemporal analysis of Landsat data for agricultural land use.</li> <li><strong>Quirk</strong>, Bruce K. (<strong>1981</strong>). Comparison of land cover maps prepared by common remote sensing methods. </li> <li><strong>Townsend</strong>, Frederick E. (<strong>1981</strong>). Feature extraction and Planimetric mapping by computer processing of digital stereopairs. </li> <li><strong>Mace</strong>, Thomas H. (<strong>1980</strong>). Microdensitometric analysis of aerial photographic imagery for detailed soils mapping. </li> <li><strong>Wynn</strong>, Sarah L. (<strong>1979</strong>). A comparison of data collection and analysis methods used to monitor impacts over time in a severely disturbed wetland. </li> </ul> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td ><br> <img src="webimgs/placeholder.gif" width="10" height="10"></td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- Include bottom part of page, footer info and close tags for body and html --> </div> <div align="center"> <!-- Invisible link for screen readers --> <a href="#institution"> <font size=-2 color="white">Skip links bar. </font></a><br> <!-- Directory and Personnel Info --> <a name="institution"> </a> <!-- Invisible link for screen readers --> <a href="#end"> <font size=-2 color="white">Skip address and contacts.</font></a><br> <span class="credits">Environmental Remote Sensing at the Space Science & Engineering Center :: University of Wisconsin-Madison<br /> 1225 W Dayton St, Floor 12 :: Madison, WI 53706<br> Website Questions: <a href=" Website Question">Sam Batzli</a> :: Administrative Questions: <a href=" Question&">Steve Ventura</a><br> </span> <a href=""><img src="/webimgs/Logos/ersc_geese_logo_sm.gif" alt="ERSC Logo and Link" title="ERSC Logo and Link" width="60" height="43" border="0" align="middle"></a>       <a href=""><img src="/webimgs/Logos/UW_logo_100.gif" alt="UW-Madison Logo and Link" title="UW-Madison Logo and Link" width="100" height="100" border="0" align="middle"></a>      <a href=""><img src="/webimgs/Logos/sseclogo.gif" alt="SSEC Logo and Link" title="SSEC Logo and Link" width="56" height="42" border="0" align="middle"></a><a name="end"></a> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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